Chattahoochee River NRA
We have been through the area several times
but we got to a Visitor's Center this time!
Got the picture and passport stamp to prove it.
At the Visitor's Center.
In the mountains of north Georgia just a short hike to
Springer Mountain, the southern terminus of the Applachian NST.
The state park campground is a 1.5 mile drive up a 25% grade road.
I just watched the fuel gauge fall!
We had a beautiful walk up and down the stairs to view the falls.
We opted for the shorter hike (1 mile) to Springer Mountain,
but had a 45 minute drive to the trailhead.
From the State part the hike was 8.5 miles one way.
On the trail.
A toast ready after making it to the beginning of the
Appalachian National Scenic Trail.
And the standard pose.
Same pose, different state. Tennessee.
Our 349th National Park site,
the Obed Wild and Scenic River.
On the Obed River.
And in Clear Creek at the confluence.